Portfolio works with voluntary, health, environmental and educational organisations. We listen carefully to your expectations… and make sure we meet them.


Portfolio works for charities, public sector agencies and not-for-profit organisations.


Clients we have worked with:
Ability Bow Badgemore Primary School Barts and The London NHS Trust Beating Bowel Cancer Breast Cancer Care British Association of Skin Camouflage British Heart Foundation Charities Evaluation Services Connect – the communication disability network Disability, Pregnancy and Parenthood International Down’s Syndrome Association Employment Opportunities Family Planning Association Girls Friendly Society Platform for Women Greenwich Drug and Alcohol Action Team Haemophilia Society Health Protection Agency International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics International Planned Parenthood Federation Leukaemia and Myeloma Research UK London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine Macmillan Cancer Support National Centre for Social Research NHS Haringey PIP – Pursuing Independent Paths Plan International Prime SeeSaw Southwark Bereavement Care TB Alert The Food Chain Time and Talents UK Health Forum Volunteering England Winston’s Wish

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